Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Die Wogen

Die Wogen glätten sich, der See wird ruhiger, die Luft klarer und insgesamt kühlt sich die Atmosphäre wieder etwas ab. Schön, dass wir das hautnah miterleben können.

Was macht bloß der Mensch in der City ?
Ich nehme an, Städter bemerken es gar nicht. Wie so vieles.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


The mood is strange. The Lake and it's shape is completely new for this year.
It's going to be harvest.
The mood of the landscape is kind of aggressive, so are we. The Lake is rough, the waves are high and some of them do even have whitecaps.

At the very beginning

Welcome everybody.

This is the very first posting.

Postings will be in German and English, depending on the mood of the editors.